Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Evening in the fog...

     The other day my friend generously took the boys for the evening, so the hubby and I had a rare Saturday where it was just he and I, and our little girl. We went straight for the coast, as it was near perfect central California beach weather, and for those who do not know what that is: it is low 70's, blue sky, and NO wind. I was especially excited because this was a great opportunity to take some landscape photos for my class...the blue sky was so inviting. We eagerly hit the sand with no shoes and strolled the cool sand with one very cute and wobbly girl. The beach was close to empty. It was gorgeous.

~Carmel River ending just south of Monterey...filled with picturesque reflective reeds and white egrets.~

   Now, us Monterey-ers are used to the sneaky and intrusive habits of coastal town fog, but this day, was extraordinary. We had not been there but five minutes, and the very familiar wall of fog came bearing down towards us. Abruptly changing the hue of the sky, it took over the jutting rocks in seconds.

Before we knew it, the fog had swallowed the entire beach. Uncharacteristically, the wind remained at bay.

   At the mouth of the river the sun still beamed through the thickness, creating something I had never seen before. It was a rainbow. But it was unsaturated. No color whatsoever. It was a fog-bow. A definate arch, and a definate result of sun meeting moisture....it was incredible.

~Treasure at the end of the fog-bow~ 

   Deeming my landscape photo project a bust, I became almost more snap-happy. (is it possible?? you sigh...) Loving the new surroundings, as I rarely shoot in the haze...I beamed at the images I captured, they filled my hungry artisic belly for the day (oooh... that was a good analogy...back pats) and my hubby even humored me and let me take more than one of him.
~I don't know this lil' guy. But he inspired me. haha~

   Most days, the fog is met with distaste and a little cursing. Here in the central coast, we rarely look at the milky atmosphere as a good thing, so seeing it in a positive light was pleasing. I never use the word pleasing. I just couldnt think of any other word. But, it was indeed pleasing. I never use the word indeed. I just couldn't....oh, never mind.
It was a nice day.


  1. you said pleasure on September 8th...does that count?
    These are stunning. Soft and distinct

  2. your blogs and photos are indeed pleasing, my friend. Indeed. Wish I was there in your world.......

  3. i like the treasure at the end of the fog bow! nice work. :)

  4. Inspiring photos my friend! You just keep getting better and better. Ansel Adams, eat your heart out!
