Monday, January 31, 2011

Spring semester.

So, here's hoping Punxsutawney Phil predicts that spring-be-a-coming, okay okay,YES YES, there is no snow here east-coasters, I know, I know, but I am not a cold fan, and I was down right chilly today on the first day of Spring semester, and of course in my class, I chose the seat by the door.
Last semester I was the nerd up front, and now I am the cool-headed chic in back. An old pro if you will. With emphasis on the OLD.
As my three hour class came to a close, I decided to reward myself on my first day back with a bacon spinach salad from Trader Joes (comes with Poppy seed dressing-you must try this) and a peaceful stroll through downtown Monterey. My main reason for going there was to photograph the wharf, for my "one photo a day" challenge...but I changed my mind, and decided on a street scene. By the way, I think I am now changing my challenge, to one panorama a week. I know I am already two deep, but it's my blog and my rules to break, so there.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just one photo?

I love walking downtown. As a family we usually choose to walk along the wharf on sunny afternoons, but this "no-kid Friday", the hubby and I decided to stroll Cannery Row. The air was ripe with a super yummy blend of sealions and clam chowder samples as we meandered through all the tourist shops before lunch (not the most appetizing of smells...but we got over it).
Sourdough burger and Newcastle for him, Tunamelt, Stella,...and one photo for me.
I think this is a new challenge for me.

~~SO. I totally cheated. 8 photos to make one. eh, you don't really care do you?~~

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Money Hungry Caterpillar

The only reason I had kids, was so I could do their school projects. Here is my celebration of the 100 days of school, with what Nate describes as, "a whole lotta money".

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Addicted to the sunrise?

Well, that cannot be right. I am totally a sunset chic.
Anyone who knows me well, and maybe those who don't...know that I LOVE to sleep and I am NOT a morning person. I have always been that way. An early memory (to my step-father's chagrin) is being woken by a pitcher of cold water to the head...I just don't like to get up.
But as the weather shifts, the fog has cleared for the moment, and cloud patterns in the morning have been phenomenal.
Every morning, I do the same thing.
I press "snooze" fifty times.
I brush my teeth.
I wake the boys.
I turn off the heat.
I open the blinds to see what awaits me. Lately, the anticipation to see what is behind the little metal slats is invigorating enough to clear the blurriness from my eyes.
Sometimes, it's clear skies.
Sometimes its foggy nothingness.
And sometimes.....

Look mom, new shoes!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

By the full moon

~~Crazy huge full moon, low in the sky, orange and bright!~~

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Sunny disposition

Usually I cringe at the thought of too much sun and try to do portraits later in the day, as the brightness usually attributes to lots of squinty eyes, and big face shadows. But, with beautiful Kody, the shadows were so beautiful against her flawless features, her beauty, effortless! I may have caused her permanent retinal damage making her stare straight into the sun, to get her amazing eyes twinkling, but I think once her mother sees the photos, she will know that the blindness was worth it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thinking in grey tones.

I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up. Now that I am older, and a mother and wife...things are not as black and white as they once were, when your "future" was a far off dream.
Now here in the present, it's all a little grey.
I truely believe dreams can come true...and that with hard work, dedication, focus, and will can make things happen. But what is my dream exactly?
I love photography. More than anything. Except chocolate. Who likes anything more than chocolate? Oh, me. I like cake more than chocolate....okay, and beer. I think if I was on a deserted island, and I had to choose three things, it would be my camera (with chargers....cause thats not fair otherwise...hmm, lets hope this island has power outlets), beer, and cake...make it chocolate cake. There.
I love writing. I love the health and fitness industy. I love art. I love music.
So what am I gonna be??!!
A photographer-personaltrainer-aerobicsinstructor-artist-singersongwriter??? Maybe.
I'm still not finished with college, because I keep having all these darned kids. They are a great excuse alright, but lets keep it real, staying out of college is pretty easy. But, with that being said, I love being a stay-at-home mom, and I know I am lucky to be in my shoes, even though it can be very groundhogday-esque.
So maybe I will finish college. Maybe I won't. Maybe I will get an amazing job. Maybe I won't.
But, the one thing that is pretty long as I am doing what I love, and loving what I do, that is all that will matter.
~~this is my super thoughtful emotional gaze into the unknown self portrait~~

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sometimes it's okay to stand alone.

There is this face....


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011


When I describe my best friend to strangers, I always say, "If you looked up happiness in the dictionary, her picture would be there". Well, today I decided to make it happen. This isn't exactly Websters Merriam, but you get it. And of course I took the pictures.

Definition of happiness:

1. good fortune, prosperity
2. a. a state of well being and contentment, joy
    b. a pleasurable or satisfying experience
3. felicity, aptness

-blissfullness, gladness, joy, warm fuzzies-

She left the country for the FIRST time in 37 years, to come see ME, in PERU. These photos are taken at the sand dunes of Huacachina Peru...and THIS my friends, is HAPPINESS.


I would like to put this in writing. This will not become a trend. I am not turning into the crazy cat lady. I will not fill my blog with pictures of my cats. I promise that I did not take 30 photos exactly like this.
But looooook how cuuuuuute they are!!!
I hate cats by the way.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Friday Hike

The hubby and I have officially made time for eachother...something that has been hard to come by in our 10 years with our three crazy kids. He has fridays off, and before things get too hectic and he has to take those days to study, we are putting the littlest in daycare, and dedicating our fridays to US. The last two "us-days" we have had a nice breakfast out and then gone hiking, exploring the trails behind our house. The dreary winter rain has subsided for now, the sun has been out, warming the air, slightly. Having an adult converstation with your spouse, and not having to speak over spilt milk, snotty noses, shrill shrieking, is refreshing. Now, of course we have been lucky enough to take vacations in the past where we spent quality time together, but I think having a weekly escape, if only for a few hours, is priceless. 
Of course, I took my camera to capture the pretty things on our journey.
I didn't have to change a diaper, threaten a "time-out", or find a potty spot!!
Okay, I may be lying on the last one.  

Chubby cheeks

Here is Baby W, four weeks old, and so sweet and chubby. Poor thing was NOT happy with us messing with him at naptime... but I think it was good training for him and the years to come...little man has THREE older sisters!