Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Life's little suprises

I am now enrolled in a photo class. I don't know if you all knew that or not, but I am...and it's probably my most favorite thing ever. I wish it was much longer than 3 hours, I wish the 20 minute breaks were shorter, and yes, I am the nerdy girl up front with her hand in the air. It is school HEAVEN. Today's lesson was on white balance...and to most of you this doesn't mean much, and it didn't mean much to me before today...but I am definatly getting the hang of it. Our instruction today was to walk around campus, set our white balances, and shoot some photos in the shade. I didn't think much of these photos, as they are practice pictures of walls, drinking fountains, this old guy named "Tim"...nothing of real substance. Tim, if you ever read this...you are special. So, anyway, I decided to give them a look-see tonight just for fun...and this image caught my eye. Let's disect this photo shall we?
1. My white balance is pretty spot on. Meaning, the colors are on target. The purple flower, is well, purple...
2. It's a little fuzzy. I obviously wasn't too concerned with focus, I was just trying to get my colors right, but its not fuzzy enough to make the photo unattractive, the flower is almost perfectly in focus...kudos to me.
3. This was a point and shoot move, a quick look at the flower, and I moved on...never knowing that I captured a little friend. What a cool photo. My day is now complete.

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  1. i didn't see the little guy when i first looked! isn't that something... :)
