Friday, January 21, 2011

A Sunny disposition

Usually I cringe at the thought of too much sun and try to do portraits later in the day, as the brightness usually attributes to lots of squinty eyes, and big face shadows. But, with beautiful Kody, the shadows were so beautiful against her flawless features, her beauty, effortless! I may have caused her permanent retinal damage making her stare straight into the sun, to get her amazing eyes twinkling, but I think once her mother sees the photos, she will know that the blindness was worth it.


  1. what a gorgeous girl... nice job! :)

  2. I think I've finally figured out how to post a message! I didn't have a blogger account set-up...phew, I was starting to feel like a stalker checking out all of your pictures and reading all of your stories and not commenting. I finally had the right motivation to get it figured out-these photos are RIDICULOUS (LY BEAUTIFUL)!!!! Thanks for capturing her as lovely (maybe even more so) than she is!
