Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Addicted to the sunrise?

Well, that cannot be right. I am totally a sunset chic.
Anyone who knows me well, and maybe those who don't...know that I LOVE to sleep and I am NOT a morning person. I have always been that way. An early memory (to my step-father's chagrin) is being woken by a pitcher of cold water to the head...I just don't like to get up.
But as the weather shifts, the fog has cleared for the moment, and cloud patterns in the morning have been phenomenal.
Every morning, I do the same thing.
I press "snooze" fifty times.
I brush my teeth.
I wake the boys.
I turn off the heat.
I open the blinds to see what awaits me. Lately, the anticipation to see what is behind the little metal slats is invigorating enough to clear the blurriness from my eyes.
Sometimes, it's clear skies.
Sometimes its foggy nothingness.
And sometimes.....


  1. ...sometimes, God's artwork is awe inspiring! What I love about sunset and sunrise is that those moments of color as so quickly changing, it's like a real MOMENT, you know what I mean? Like 2min later the sky is fully blue and the red and oranges are gone, it is just magical! I LOVE IT TOO!!

  2. early bird rilly DOES catch the worm! I HATE waking up EVERY day of my LIFE.....but once I get my coffe I LUVVIT! And i love what Bekah said, it's moving, changing ART!
